Sharing what we’ve learnt

Xenia started as an experiment among local residents to try and improve the lives of the people where we live & build bridges across differences.

We are looking for collaborators to share our learning with and grow the reach & impact Xenia has.

Start a Xenia in your neighbourhood

We’re interested to hear from individuals who would like to set up a Xenia group in their area. We have a range of written resources and materials we can provide to support you, and are interested in partnering with local organisations to support you. Please get in touch with us and we will start the conversation!

Partner with us to set up a Xenia in your hertiage site or museum

Since 2016 we have worked with museums and heritage/arts venues in Hackney to enable a wider audience of people to access the museum collections & heritage sites. By using objects and stories from the museums, we are able to find common ground, create friendships and community, foster an understanding of the heritage collection and build community. We are interested to hear from other heritage venues who would be interested in partnering with us in setting up a Xenia group in their local area.

Work with us to set up a Xenia in your community / charity

Xenia provides a safe space for women from all backgrounds, ages, nationalities and immigration statuses to come together. We also empower and enable English speaking women to take an active role in their neighborhoods and create Xenia groups. Please get in touch if your community centre, refugee support group, charity or other kind of organisation is interested in hosting a Xenia.